Monday, September 30, 2013

School Visions

School Visions:
One Core:
1.      Our children are our first priority.
We do everything we can for the children, and we try our best to do it all.

Two Realizations Insights:
1.      Education is the scaffold of the future.
The progress of education is based on schools which can provide love, knowledge, security, boundaries, and support for the children, our Masters of the future.

2.      Every child has his/her talents.
No one student shall be left out. We believe that focusing on multiple intelligences can achieve the holistic educational aims.

Three Believes:
1.      Believe in school.
We believe that a highly cooperative school is important. The administration and academic team should have the same visions and goals of the school. Good communication channels among the faculty and staff create efficiency, which leads the school to offer a professional educational service.

2.  Believe in parents.
We believe parents matter. We understand that the education cannot only happen at school. The school and parents need to work in partnership for the sake of children and their education.

3.      Believe in children.
We believe that believing in children is a powerful tool in the classroom. We know that every child can and should have the right to reach the success. Children’s abilities are limitless if we can dig out and follow their potential intelligences.

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